Solution Narendra Modi, the Indian Prime Minister's New @ NarendraModi ranked fourth in the list of the leaders of the world's most follow-up on the "Twitter" after his election in late May / May last year, as the number of observers to display the official to 4.981.777 people, surpassing the account's official house White @ WhiteHouse who watched 4,980,207 people from all over the world.
According to a report on diplomatic presence "Twitter" Twiplomacy, the Indian leader is keen to make the most of the spread of this global network to serve as a tool of being able to publish his letters to its fans.
The report, which is a study of annual global monitor activity world leaders to "Twitter," and issued "Burson - Marsteller," Burson-Marsteller specialized in the sector of public relations and communications, that more than 83 percent of the nations of the world have a presence on the network "Twitter" , and with two-thirds of heads of states and governments 68 percent in personal accounts, "Twitter."
The aim of the report of diplomatic presence on the "Twitter" Twiplomacy to determine the extent of the use of the leaders of the world to this social network and how they communicate. In early June being analyzed, "Pearson - Marsteller" 643 government accounts in 161 countries, and found that only 32 countries, mostly in Africa, Asia and the Pacific do not have a presence on the "Twitter".
In this context, said Donald Baer, Chairman of the Board and Chief Executive Officer of Universal Corporation, "Burson - Marsteller": "We are pleased to become a study of diplomatic presence on the" Twitter "issued by the 'Burson - Marsteller' for the third year in a key reference about the growing importance of social media among world leaders . This year saw a rise of about 28 percent in the number of official accounts of government entities on the "Twitter", which is a significant increase focus in an effort to connect with people all over the world. "
On June 25, 2014, included a list of the world's leaders of the five most follow-up on the "Twitter" U.S. President Barack Obama @ BarackObama by 43 million followers to calculate the campaign U.S. President, as was Pope Francis @ Pontifex in second place with 14 million following up to nine accounts in different languages .
The solution Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono @ SBYudhoyono third with 5 million followers, followed by Narendra Modi, Indian Prime Minister @ NarendraModi IV and the White House V. @ WhiteHouse.
However, most of the leaders of the world's most follow-up do not follow only a few peers, and there is hardly any kind of direct communication between them. For example, we find that the accounts @ BarackObama and @ WhiteHouse relay accounts of three of the world's leaders only, they Erna Solberg, Prime Minister of Norway, and Dmitry Medvedev, the Russian prime minister, in addition to the official page of the Government of the United Kingdom.
On the other hand, appeared clearly directed the Ministers of Foreign Affairs to use the network "Twitter" in order to establish mutual communication network and create a virtual diplomacy. The French Foreign Minister Laurent Fabius @ LaurentFabius best of continuity with the 91 foreign ministers and world leaders.
The body has the European External Action @ eu_eeas in second place with 71 Bhetwasalha mutual account, and came and Swedish Foreign Minister Carl Bildt @ CarlBildt in third place with 68 accounts. This allows the follow-up and exchanged between the Ministers of Foreign Affairs to conduct private conversations and direct messages on the network "Twitter".
Said Jeremy Galbraith, CEO, "Pearson - Marsteller" in Europe, the Middle East and Africa, and Chief Executive Officer of Global Strategies "study revealed that despite the importance of the number of followers, but the main focus is centered on the number of follow-ups mutual. It is interesting to see the keenness of foreign ministries to create a large digital platforms on Twitter, which does not require those tweets of the complex process of consulting legal officials and the media. Companies can CEOs learn a lot from the experience of political leaders on Twitter, in terms of the adoption of digital tools and how to communicate with their peers and influential figures. "
There are at present in the network "Twitter" more than 3,100 active account for embassies and ambassadors of many countries, such as Canada, France, Mexico, the Netherlands, Poland, Russia, Spain, Sweden, Turkey, Ukraine, United Kingdom and the United States. And encourages the British Foreign Office in London to share their ambassadors personally, but it has become almost impossible for any diplomat working for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to dispense with the use of digital platforms.
According to the report, is the Pope Francis @ Pontifex leader on the world's most influential "Twitter", and the average re-Ngredath in Spanish more than 10 thousand per tweet. As a broker Retweet publish what Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro about 2000 times. On the other hand, the average re-Tweets U.S. President Barack Obama @ BarackObama about 1,400 only once, in spite of the large number of its fans.
Said Matthias Ovknz, director of the digital sector of the company "Pearson - Marsteller" in Europe and the Middle East, Africa and author of the report, "Twitter has become an important channel in the field of digital diplomacy and Department of Political Affairs in the twenty-century atheist. But as long as I was amazed to speed teams of digital media, and even politicians themselves sometimes, in direct response to messages that arrive via Twitter, which has already become the most powerful communication tools that allow a direct means of communication with our leaders. Not necessarily be read by world leaders each Tweet directed to them, but no doubt that their teams constantly monitor what is happening on Twitter. "
The report concluded, "Twitter" Twiplomacy also noted that for all the governments of the Group of Twenty, with the exception of just one, to attend an official "Twitter", and with six of the leaders of the Group of Seven industrialized nations Personals accounts, "Twitter." But a limited number of world leaders step, personally, is the most noteworthy exceptions Estonian President Thomas Henrik Ilves @ IlvesToomas; Foreign Minister @ CarlBlidt Swedish and Finnish Prime Minister Alexander Stubb @ AlexStubb.
Barack Obama was the first president of the register at the site "Twitter" in the March 5 / March 2007 as Senator Obama to be a user of the site number 813 286. As each of the Mexican President Enrique Peña Nieto @ EPN and the Prime Minister of Belgium Elio Di Robo @ ElioDiRupo and Prime Minister Stephen Harper @ PMHarper addition to the U.S. State Department @ StateDept of the early politicians joined to the "Twitter" and so in 2007.
On June 25, 2014, the total number of Tweets world leaders 1.935.308 rate of 4 Tweets per day. For its part, the Venezuelan presidency @ PresidencialVen including approximately 50 thousand tweet, tweet, or about 40 per day.
The president of Argentina, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner CFKArgentina more Latin American leaders following up follow up with 2,894,864, is superior to Colombian President @ JuanManSantos following up with 2,885,752.
When all of the Mexican president Enrique Peña Nieto @ EPN; Dilma Rousseff and the Brazilian and Venezuelan @ dilmabr @ NicolasMaduro more than two million followers. The presidents of the five Latin American countries among the leaders of the twenty most follow-up on the "Twitter" in the world, they are also watching each other, and often communicate directly and openly with each other.
The Mexican presidency @ PresidenciaMX most of Tweets published at a rate of 78 Tweets per day, followed by the expense of the Mexican government by 71 Tweets per day, equivalent to about three Tweets per hour.
The total number of those who follow the accounts of 643 following up to 157,138,063, an average rate of 9809 following up per account. This and there are many politicians who have limited use for "Twitter" on the campaign periods.
She gave up the new Chilean President Michelle Bachelet calculated @ PrensaMichelle in the wake of the election victory on March 11 / March 2014. Similarly, did not show any activity at the expense of French Prime Minister @ ManuelValls since the elections that took place on 9 May / May 2012.
The Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta @ UKenyatta most follow-up on the "Twitter" between the presidents of the African continent, by 457.307 followers, beating Rwandan President @ PaulKagame and South African President Jacob Zuma @ SAPresident.
The Prime Minister of Uganda @ AmamaMbabazi more world leaders interaction with its fans on "Twitter", which constitute the answers to observers representing 95 percent of the total Ngredath.
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