Monday, July 7, 2014

Report: 90% of those who spied on them and the National Security Agency are ordinary users

A new report that about 90 percent of the people who had the National Security Agency NSA
spying on them are ordinary people, not its targets.
According to the report published by the newspaper "The Washington Post," The Washington Post Saturday that they were innocent prey network erected by the National Security Agency and the U.S. to other people, as she put it.
The paper disclosed that received the document from the former contractor with the U.S. National Security Agency, Edward Snowden, that the agency had spied on a very personal information without that information any intelligence value.
The document said that the agency spied on about 160,000 e-mail and Instant Message and about 7,900 documents dating back to about 11,000 e-mail account, and that during the period between 2009 and 2012.
The newspaper said that investigations conducted and lasted for four months, revealed that 9 out of every 10 users spied on them and the National Security Agency - including the U.S. - were not among the intended targets.
The document leaked to the messages and conversations monitored by the National Security Agency was dealing with matters of religious policy, and talks sex, and other topics that rotates among Internet users, but some were also houses some valuable intelligence information.
The present document is part of a series of leaks revealed by Edward Snowden, who fled the United States in the month of May / May 2013, and is now residing in Russia after that happened last year on political asylum.
The Snowden has revealed since the summer of last year, as many spyware programs carried out by the National Security Agency and the U.S., such as spying on millions of phone calls and spy on a number of world leaders.

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